CUE is a complete range of external frequency converters designed for speed control of a wide range of Grundfos pumps. CUE has a built-in PI controller and offers the same functionality and user-interface as Grundfos E-pumps. CUE solutions can thus be seen as an extension to the E-pump range. By choosing a CUE-solution, you will get the following benefits:
CUE offers the following inputs and output:
Input/output add-on board Provides additional input:
Motor filters:
For reduction of dU/dt and peak voltages to the motor windings and for reduction of the acoustic noise generated in the motor, a number of motor filters are offered:
1.CUE 3×380‐500V IP20 7.5 kW 16A/14.5A
2.CUE 3×380‐500V IP20 11 kW 24A/21A
3.CUE 3×380‐500V IP20 15 kW 32A/27A
4.CUE 3×380‐500V IP20 18.5 kW 37.5A/34A
5.CUE 3×380‐500V IP20 22 kW 44A/40A
6.CUE 3×380‐500V IP20 30 kW 61A/52A
7.CUE 3×380‐500V IP20 37 kW 73A/65A
8.CUE 3×380‐500V IP20 45 kW 90A/80A
9.CUE 3×380‐500V IP20 55 kW 106A/105A
10.CUE 3×380‐500V IP20 75 kW 147A/130A
11.CUE 3×380‐500V IP20 90 kW 177A/160A
12.CUE 3×380‐500V IP21 D1h 110 kW 212A
13.CUE 3×380‐500V IP21 D1h 132 kW 260A
14.CUE 3×380‐500V IP21 D1h 160 kW 315A
15.CUE 3×380‐500V IP21 D2h 200 kW 395A
16.CUE 3×380‐500V IP21 D2h 250 kW 480A
17.CUE 3×380‐500V IP54 D1h 132 kW 260A
18.CUE 3×380‐500V IP21 D1h 250 kW 260A